Secure Photonic Network Seminar II (11, November 2013)
Date: November 11(Mon.), 2013
Venue: The 602 meeting room, Building 3, NICT Headquarters
Coordinator: Masahide Sasaki (NICT)
Invited guest researchers:
Jonathan P. Dowling (Louisiana State University)
Richard J. Hughes (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Jane E. Nordholt (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Rupert Ursin (Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) Austrian Academy of Sciences)
In this informal seminar, we discussed several topics on QKD such as possible applications of QKD, security certifications, cost estimations for practical QKD systems, and latest security analyses. The sessions consisted of short talks followed by free discussions.
13:30-14:20 Present and future of QKD
- Invited talk: Jane E. Nordholt (LANL)
- Discussion
14:20-15:40 Security certification of practical QKD systems
- Short talks:
Kiyoshi Tamaki (NTT Corporation)
Akihisa Tomita (Hokkaido Univerisity/NEC Corporation)
Alex Dixon (Toshiba Corporation)
- Discussion
15:40-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:30 Latest topics of the QKD technology
- Short talks:
Rupert Ursin (University of Vienna)
Fabian Furrer (The University of Tokyo)
Rutaro Matsumoto (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Toyohiro Tsurumaru (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)
Takuya Hirano (Gakushuin University)
- Discussion
Symposium on New Frontiers of Quantum Photonic Network (6-7, November 2013)
Date: November 6(Wed.)-7(Thu.), 2013
Venue: Auditorium, The University of Electro-Communications
The University of Electro-Communications (UEC)
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Support: FIRST-QIPP (Funding Program for World-Leading Innovative R&D on Science and Technology - Quantum Information Processing Project)
In 2002, organization-wide collaboration of NICT and UEC in research and education started. In 2013, NICT and UEC established a new collaboration research agreement in free-space optical quantum communications and quantum metrology including a construction of new testbeds in both campuses. The aim of this symposium is to discuss the latest research activities in these fields to stimulate the actual collaborations.
The symposium consisted of three sessions:
1. Talks by NICT and UEC scientists, and by invited scientists in related fields.
2. Talks by Japanese young scientists.
3. Tutorial talks for students.
Symposium web page (English):
Symposium web page (Japanese):
Photos of the symposium (Nov. 6th and 7th at the Auditorium, The University of Electro-Communications)
- Group photo
The second meeting of Quantum ICT Forum (23, 24 and 25, October 2013)
The second meeting of the Quantum ICT Forum was held on 23-25 October 2013 at the International Conference Room, NICT Headquarters. The aim of the meeting included:
(1) Reports on the current progress of our third mid-term plan, the Quantum Phase III(2011-2015) and discuss the R&D plans for the remaining term of the Quantum Phase III
(The interim report is summarized in http://www.uqcc.org/research/index.html)
(2) Discussions on the latest research progress in quantum info-communication technologies.
(3) Discussions on the social needs and R&D trends of QKD to show a future vision and a roadmap with appropriate promotion schemes.
Introduction by NICT (Oct. 23rd at the International Conference Room, Building 1, NICT)
Quantum ICT:Current status and future plan
R&D sessions (Oct. 23rd, 24th and 25th at the International Conference Room, Building 1, NICT)
Oct. 23rd morning session
Secure photonic network (NICT Commissioned Research)
- Subject A : QKD network control technology
Research and development of quantum cryptography in Mitsubishi Electric
Leader: Mitsuru MatsuiMitsubishi Electric Corporation
High bit rate quantum key distribution
Leader: Andrew ShieldsToshiba Corporation
Research and development of “Secure photonic network technology"
Leader: Akio TajimaNEC Corporation
- Subject C : Continuous variable QKD and its application
QKD and optical secure communications with quadrature amplitude modulation technology
Leader: Takuya Hirano**Gakushuin University
Tohoku University
- Subject D : Secure photonic network architecture
Research and development of "Secure photonic network technology"
Leader: Shione Asami**NEC Corporation
Hokkaido University
Oct. 23rd afternoon session
- Subject B : Quantum cryptographic theory
Security analyses and the future outlook of the dissemination of quantum cryptography
Leader: Kiyoshi Tamaki**Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation(NTT)
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Hokkaido University
Nagoya University
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Optical quantum information processing
Time-domain multiplexing for hybrid quantum information processing
Leader: Akira Furusawa
The University of Tokyo
Oct. 24th morning session
Quantum sensing via photons
Shigeki Takeuchi
Hokkaido University
Space optical communication
Research progress and future plans of optical free space communication
in Japan
Toshiaki Ogawa
NEC Corporation
Quantum repeater (NICT Commisioned Research)
- Subject A : Design and evaluation theory of quantum repeater
Quantum repeater: system design and the base technology
Leader: Kae NemotoNational Institute of Informatics(NII)
- Subject B :
Entanglement purification between distant nodes
Quantum repeater system with quantum dots and single photons
Leader: Yoshihisa YamamotoNational Institute of Informatics(NII)
Oct. 24th afternoon session
Research and development for hybrid quantum repeater
Leader: Hideo Kosaka**Tohoku University
Osaka University
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation(NTT)
Quantum cryptography: protocols and applications
Entanglement-based wavelength division multiplexed quantum cryptography by superconducting photon detectors
Akio Yoshizawa
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology(AIST)
Nonlinear electron spin-nuclear spin dynamics in a double quantum dot
Toshimasa Fujisawa
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Photon number resolving detector
Development, estimation, and applications of superconducting photon
Daiji Fukuda
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology(AIST)
Optical quantum information processing
Experimental test of error-disturbance uncertainty relations in photon polarization
Keiichi Edamatsu
Tohoku University
Oct. 25th morning session
Quantum repeater
- Subject C : Multi-bit entanglement control and optical interface with Superconducting circuits
Hybrid quantum systems inetrfacing microwave and optical domains
Leader: Yasunobu Nakamura**The University of Tokyo
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Entangled photon-pair and highly-stable single photon generation from a semiconductor quantum dot
Hidekazu KumanoHokkaido University
Quantum information processing in cavity and atomic systems
Cavity QED with nano photonics devices
Takao Aoki
Waseda University
Oct. 25th afternoon session
Optical frequency standard
Optical frequency standard: trends and future outlook
Tetsuya Ido
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology(NICT)
Quantum information theory, cryptographic theory
Error-disturbance relation in linear position measurements
Masanao Ozawa
Nagoya University
Toward the quantum cryptography discussion at CRYPTREC
Shinichi Kawamura
Toshiba Corporation
A variant of DPS (differential-phase-shift) QKD protocol
Masato Koashi
The University of Tokyo
Finite-key security analysis of continuous variable protocols: Security versus feasibility
Fabian Furrer
The University of Tokyo
Plenary meeting (Oct. 23rd at the Conference Room, Building 3, NICT)
All participants (including non-researchers) gathered in a room and
discussed the following topics:
(1) Plans for the real service operations of the QKD network.
(2) Efficeint promotions of the QKD technologies to the industry.
(3) R&D roadmap for fundamental quantum information technologies and its demonstration plans.
Lab tour (Oct. 23rd and 24th at the Tokyo QKD Network Lab and the Quantum ICT Lab, Building 3, NICT)
The lab tours of the Tokyo QKD Network and the Quantum ICT Lab were
held in the second day at Building 3 of NICT.
Evening banquet (Oct. 23rd at the Research Exchange Center, NICT)
Evening of the first day, wellcome banquet was held and almost all participants joined and had a wonderful time to boost exchanges each others.
Secure Photonic Network Seminar I(7, March 2013)
Date: March 7(Thu.), 2013
Venue: The seminar room, Building 3, NICT Headquarters
Coordinator: Masahide Sasaki (NICT)
Invited guest researchers:
Sebastien Kunz-Jacques(SeQureNet)
Paul Jouguet(SeQureNet)
Summary: An informal seminar on QKD technology was held with 17 participants.
Several topics on QKD techonology were discussed including
CVQKD implementation, security analyses on various QKD protocols,
and new key distillation algorithms.
13:30-15:00 - Introduction to Secure photonic network : M. Sasaki(NICT)
- CV-QKD technology : S. Kunz-Jacques and P. Jauguet(SeQureNet)
- CV-QKD system of Gakushuin Univ. : T. Hirano(Gakushuin Univ.)
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break(30min.)
15:30-17:30 - Security certification of QKD technology : K. Tamaki(NTT)
- Practical issues in QKD deployment : A. Tomita(Hokkaido Univ.)
- Introduction to the wiretap coding, and recent advance in
the B92 protocol :
R. Matsumoto(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- Dual universality of hash functions and its applications to
quantum cryptography :
T. Tsurumaru(Mitsubishi Electric)
The first meeting of Quantum ICT Forum(17-19, October 2012)
Date: October 17(Wed.)-19(Fri.), 2012
Venue: International Conference Room at NICT Headquarters
Organizer: Quantum ICT Research Laboratory, NICT
Objective: This forum is held once a year for the following two purposes:
(1) To present latest results of research and development (R&D) by all the teams which participate in the Project UQCC, and to share information for effective collaborations.
(2) To analyze social needs and R&D trends, and to show a future vision and a roadmap with appropriate promotion schemes.
Totally 108 attendees took part in the forum, and had active discussions on the following topics.
a) Development of QKD systems for mission critical applications as short-term challenges.
b) Secure photonic network for the high-end consumer application as medium-term challenges.
c) Quantum repeaters and architecture for quantum network using them as long-term challenges.
d) Basic theory on quantum info-communications as continuous challenge.
On the first day, we held the Plenary Meeting to discuss the current status, promotion strategy, and a future vision of quantum ICT.
On the first and second day, a tour of facilities at NICT such as Tokyo QKD Network and quantum optical experiments.
Web page:http://www.nict.go.jp/en/quantum/event.html
Start-up Meeting of NICT Commissioned Research (27 and 28, October 2011)
The Startup Meeting of NICT Commissioned Research was held on 27 (Thu) and 28 (Fri) October 2011 in Tokyo. All the teams and the reviewers of the subjects got together to share the missions of the projects, and to get to know each other for tight collaboration. It is far past the period when each team concentrated only their own subject. It is now the time we realized the interoperability between the systems developed, and integrate them into a practical quantum network.
Introduction by NICT
Quantum Phase I, II, and III
R&D sessions
Secure photonic network (NICT Commissioned Research)
- Subject A : QKD network control technology
QKD technology for mission critical applications
Leader: Moto-o NishinagaNEC Corporation
Next generation QKD core- and access-networks
Leader: Andrew ShieldsToshiba Corporation
Application-enhanced QKD systems
Leader: Mitsuru MatsuiMitsubishi Electric Corporation
- Subject B : Quantum cryptographic theory
Security certification and efficient key distillation
Leader: Kiyoshi Tamaki**Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Hokkaido University
Tohoku University
Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Subject C : Continuous variable QKD and its application
QKD and optical secure communications with quandrature amplitude modulation technology
Leader: Takuya Hirano**Gakushuin University
Tohoku University
- Subject D : Secure photonic network architecture
Architecture to install QKD systems into exsiting mission-critical-secure networks
Leader: Kouzo Matsuo**NEC Corporation
Hokkaido University
Quantum repeater (NICT Commisioned Research)
- Subject A : Design and evaluation theory of quantum repeater
System design of quantum repeater network and device evaluation
Leader: Kae NemotoNational Institute of Informatics
- Subject B : Entanglement purification between distant nodes
Quantum repeater based on optical-pulse-controlled quantum dot spins and single photons
Leader: Yoshihisa YamamotoNational Institute of Informatics
Quantum repeater based on diamond NV centers
Leader: Hideo Kosaka**Tohoku University
Osaka University
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
National Institute of Informatics
- Subject C : Multi-bit entanglement control and optical interface with Superconducting circuits
Superconducting circuit-QED and quantum transducer
Leader: Yasunobu Nakamura**RIKEN Advanced Science Institute
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Tohoku University
Plenary meeting
Plenary Meeting is for free discussions by all the team members. We discussed effective collaboration schemes to accelerate R&D, and promotion schemes to disseminate research results for practical use of quantum network. Each team leader gave comments and suggestions on primary issues in the quantum ICT research field, how to solve them, and also on how to improve the funding schemes.
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